Who is this Third-Party Application Maintenance (TPAM) solution for?

​Our TPAM offer covers the entire spectrum of needs that we have generally observed in the business. It is therefore addressed to all our customers:

  • who want to ensure the security and reliability of their tools and stored data;
  • who need to evolve, correct or optimize their web platform;
  • who wish to rationalize or reduce their management costs;
  • who like to get clear and quick answers to their questions;
  • who need a single, fully informed technical contact person;

We maintain any service or application based on open-source technologies in LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and with business expertise on WordPress, Prestashop, Drupal, Joomla, Drupal Commerce CMS. If you have any doubts about the technology used by your application, consult our online tool or contact us.

What does it cover?

Our TMA offer includes the following 5 services that you will be free to activate or not:

1. Support and assistance

We answer your legitimate questions throughout the contract and your requests can be varied, e. g.:

  • question about the way your site or service works;
  • data extraction (user list, extraction of all online articles, export of all images);
  • SEO analyses of content to plan improvements;
  • assistance to your teams on the use or configuration of your site or third party services (hosting, domain manager).

2. Corrective maintenance

Vous nous signalez une anomalie : elle est alors analysée et résolue dans les délais garantis (GTI et GTR) indiqués dans nos contrats.

3. Evolutive maintenance

You send us a request for functional, technical or webmastering evolution: it is evaluated free of charge and then developed as soon as you have obtained a "voucher for agreement" and within the indicated deadlines. Some examples of evolutions:

  • development of new functionalities or improvement of an existing one;
  • updating of content, graphic media and videos;
  • optimization of URL rewriting and SEO improvements;
  • optimization of page loading;

4. Adaptive maintenance

We regularly check new browsers or devices on the market and ensure continuity of operation in these changing environments, but without changing functionality.

For example: a new smartphone is available on the market that affects the user experience. We inform you and readjust the code of your application accordingly.

5. Preventive maintenance

Our preventive TPAM includes several key actions:

  • we follow the official alert bulletins;
  • we perform security updates of your CMS, plugins and frameworks used;
  • we execute scheduled tasks (e.g. total or incremental backups) in accordance with the strategies agreed with you;
  • we regularly test the server space reserved for the operation of your site for viruses or Trojans..

I would like to set up a TMA contract

How does it work?

The implementation and life of a TPAM at Naes is done in 3 phases as simple as essential.

1 - Initialization phase

This is the empowerment phase that will include several actions on our part:

  • Getting to know all service providers (domain manager, host, etc.);
  • Inventory of the technical documentation at your disposal;
  • Simplified technical audit with a report including all the findings and priority malfunctions to be corrected.

2 - Operational phase

This is the maintenance and support phase under annual contract that includes:

  • Signing of the Third Party Application Maintenance contract in which will be indicated:
    • the characteristics of the platform,
    • the expected services,
    • the types of TPAMs selected,
    • guaranteed service ranges, recovery and response times : Intervention Time Guarantee (ITR) and Recovery Time Guarantee (RTG);
    • the credits of days to be allocated throughout the year for the interventions to be carried out; each intervention being counted to the nearest hour.
  • Replication on a development environment to carry out your requests without affecting your service.
  • Open online support to track all actions initiated by our team and yours with regular email notifications at each step of the way.

Naes Support - how to create a new support request ticket

3 - Reversibility Phase​

This is the phase of transmission of the file to a third party service provider or for an internal resumption of maintenance when a contract ceases, and includes:

  • Return of all documents concerning the application;
  • Delivery of an electronic backup of all source codes;
  • Export of all intervention tickets to date;
  • Transfer of skills;

The immediate benefits of our offere

  • An online ticket support tool;
  • Technical assistance by a dedicated contact person;
  • Compliance with GTR and GTI deadlines;
  • A permanent monitoring where we act as a consulting agency by alerting you and recommending any necessary changes or corrections to be made.
  • A flexible contract: renewal by simple amendment and carry forward of your unused credits to the following year;
  • Online tracking of time credit consumed.

Naes: a reliable partner and contractualized commitments

  • All our contracts are standard and have been validated by a French firm. They can be adapted to your technological context and needs
  • All our tools and their data are hosted on our own server racks installed in OVH datacenters located exclusively in France.
  • Our dedicated, shared and cloud hosting offers are based on our own server racks installed in OVH datacenters, whose geographical location is based on the customer's needs.
  • Our team is composed only of French citizens speaking French or English, and based in France or abroad to meet the needs of 24/7/365 of our clients.

Naes agency

What sets us apart

Digital with passion

Naes is a passionate digital agency specializing in consulting, web development, and digital marketing.

Through a rigorous selection of independent experts, we help our clients navigate digital challenges and create tailor-made websites and applications.

We also support them in their marketing efforts to enhance their online visibility and grow their presence on social networks.