The client: Film France

Film France, a state-funding agency (supported by the CNC) in charge of promoting France, is the first stop for foreign production companies and individuals preparing to film in France. A network of local film commissions throughout the country offers free information on locations, crews, labour rates and facilities.

Film France provides assistance with contacting appropriate agencies regarding immigration/work permits and filming permits, as well as information regarding labour rates, studio facilities, post-production facilities and suppliers. Nowhere else in Europe will you find such a large diversity of locations combined with a highly skilled workforce.

Film France also provides information about co-production opportunities in France and assists foreign producer who want to apply for the TRIP (Tax Rebate for International Production).

Problem statement: how to modernize a multi-user filming locations database

Film France wished a new version of its filming locations database by creating a new multi-user web app listing all the filming locations in France & overseas.

Film France was expecting several possibilities with this app :

  • Let Film France and local commissions to manage properly pictures, info, contacts of filming locations owners;
  • Let film and audiovisual professionals prepare their filming in France with functionalities that were inexistent (search, locations portfolio...);
  • Let locations owners (private or public) propose new pictures and texts about locations, modify their contact info... ;
  • Let the general public easy access for search of filming locations (film tourism).

Naes answer: a multi-user web app powered by Drupal

Naes did the entire conception, design & development of this multi-user web app powered by Drupal CMS but also the database migration for all the territorial authorities, members of Film France commission.

Naes intervention in details :

  • Design and ergonomics
  • Web app development
  • Multilingual back-office (French and US-English) for Film France and its members, with several levels of user permissions and the possibility to edit filming locations info and media
  • Migration of several databases in order to create an unique and consolidated database of filming locations

Naes - The filming locations web app for Film France - Homepage

An app with several functionalities

Among the main functionalities of this web app, you will find:

  • A multi-criteria search engine (by regions, types, districts...) but also by name (auto-completion);
  • The display of HD pictures of filming locations;
  • A special access for professional to complete info such as filming sets locations and proprietary contacts, creation of locations portfolio (that contains all info on the project, dates, filming length, selected locations.... and that can be shared with a public url)...

Naes - The filming locations web app for Film France - Location portfolio for film professionals

Discover the application

The benefits for Film France

Naes brought several benefits to Film France with this project:

  • Film professionals now have access to a modern and dynamic database with HD pictures that help them to better prepare their filming production;
  • Film France and locations owners now have access to a user friendly interface and can easily create, upload and edit texts and pictures;
  • Film France could count on Naes expertise in exporting/importing multiple databases;
  • The technology used for this app is based on Drupal, so it is made to evolve. This way, SynerTrade can optimize it regularly by adding new features to the application, without any issue with technological sustainability;
  • Film France can count on Naes expertise in maintaining Drupal's web applications and use Naes Support platform to warn Naes about any encountered bugs on the web app, or ask to modify functionalities within a short and safe time frame;
  • Film France can count on Naes to understand their marketing and business needs and get personalized solutions to answer their ongoing and future challenges.

Technologies used for this project

  • CMS / Framework Drupal 7
  • LAMP Server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  • Framework jQuery, jQuery UI
  • Tomcat
  • Apache SolR search engine

The application in numbers

  • 42 000 locations data sheets
  • 2 000+ active users
  • 10+ different users roles

Post-project support

Naes also supports Film France in the technical maintenance and the evolution of this application with a Third party Application Maintenance contract and also in developing new digital projects with its members.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a similar project!