The official end of support for Drupal 7 is scheduled for January 5, 2025. After this date, version 7 of Drupal will no longer receive security updates, leaving your sites and applications vulnerable to cyberattacks and incompatibilities with new technologies. It is therefore imperative to plan the migration to a more recent version of Drupal or explore other alternatives now.
Why migrate now?
- Security: after January 2025, Drupal 7 will no longer receive official security updates.
- Performance: more recent versions of Drupal offer better performance and features.
- Compatibility: many modules will no longer be maintained for Drupal 7.
- Costs: anticipating migration allows for cost distribution and avoids costly emergencies.
Three solutions for the future of your Drupal 7 site
Solution #1: Migration to Drupal 10
The first solution is to migrate your site to Drupal 10. These versions offer improved features, enhanced security, and better performance. Migrating to a newer version of Drupal will also allow you to take advantage of new features and ongoing updates, ensuring a stable and secure platform.
Drupal 10, the latest version, notably offers:
- A modern architecture based on Symfony
- Improved performance
- Better user experience
- Advanced features for development and administration
Although Drupal 8 and 9 were innovative versions, it is essential to consider this direct migration to Drupal 10. In fact, Drupal 8 reached its end of life in November 2021, and Drupal 9 also has limited support deadlines. Another key point to consider is that some iconic Drupal 7 modules are no longer available in the newer versions, including Views, Context, Panels, Field Collection, and Draggable Views.
For all these reasons, at Naes, we assist our clients in this migration with a dedicated solution: Naes Migrate. We handle all stages of the migration process, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition for your site.
Solution #2: Paid support for Drupal 7
If migration is not immediately feasible, some partners offer a paid extended support program. This program, detailed on Drupal’s official website, provides:
- Ongoing security updates
- Technical support for critical issues
- A longer transition period
However, this option should only be considered as a temporary solution, as it does not address long-term performance and compatibility issues. It will, however, allow you to prepare more calmly for your transition to a new version of Drupal or another technology.
Solution #3: Migration to another technology
This end of support can be an opportunity to rethink your entire web platform. Migrating to another CMS or framework can offer:
- An opportunity to modernize your site
- The possibility of adopting a technology better suited to your current needs
- A complete redesign of the user experience
At Naes, we can advise you on the best alternatives based on your specific needs and support you in this transition. Once again, our Naes Migrate solution will meet this demand.
Why act now?
Although the deadline is set for January 2025, starting the planning now has several advantages:
- Preparation time: A successful migration requires careful planning.
- Budget flexibility: Spreading costs over a longer period.
- Smooth transition: Avoiding last-minute rushes that could compromise quality.
- Progressive optimization: The ability to gradually improve your site during the transition.
With our long-standing expertise in Drupal development and complex website migration, we can immediately reassure you: there will always be a solution for your project. Together, let’s turn this necessity into an opportunity to strengthen your digital presence.